You may download font Tacteing (Tacteing.ttf) to decor your word document in Khmer.
Font Tacteing is a TrueType font file (.TTF) created by Cambodian and anybody can download font Tacteing to use for word document decoration. Tacteing.ttf is a Khmer symbol font that contains many traditional Khmer style symbols. The document typewriter can use the font Tacteing to create a document page border, and word title underlines to make a great look in Khmer styling.
And also font Tacteing.ttf is the most popular for using to make the invitation especially, Wedding invitation. Movermore, you will see a lot of usage of the Khmer symbol font Tacteing in the printing house. For licensing of font usage, everybody can use the font for free but may not sell it.
The font download link is at the bottom of this page.
The font author
If we right-click on font Tacteing file, and select property, in the Author tab, we will see “Authors: Copyright by Om Mony, All right reserved 1991 (c)”. As the font is ancient, it’s about thirty years old. There is no more detail about the author to the font Tacteing beside the data included in the font file property. There is no update for the font Tacteing version, but it still can use in today. I have also tried to research information in detail about the font Tacteing.ttf, but no luck. There is no info detailed about the font.
How to install font Tacteing
To install font Tacteing, you can do the following two ways to get it done. The easiest way to install the font on Windows computer, you can right-click on the font files and then select “install.”
And also, you can install font Tacteing by copy font and paste it in the Windows fonts folder (C:\Windows\Fonts).
How to use font Tacteing
To use font Tacteing, you will need to learn about font Tacteing typing to know where is a specific symbol on the keyboard. In MS Word, you can use the font Tacteing in a simple way that navigates to the “Insert” Tab of the MS Word Menu bar and then go to the “Symbol” tab, Select “More Symbols.” In the font characters box, Change the font tab to Tacteing. Choose any font Tacteing symbol that you like and then click Insert.
Download font file
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Hi there!
There is no link to download the font please check your article! Thanks
It’s works. I found the font on SourceFrog and it’s can only download via Desktop browser. Thank.