Khmer text shows too small in Telegram, Line, Whatsapp, on Windows 10 PC problem solving by changing some Windows settings following a few steps guided in this post.
There are many Cambodian’s Windows 10 users faced the problem with Khmer text shows too small in Telegram, Line, Whatsapp, on Windows 10 PC. And also, if you were using Telegram, Line, Whatsapp, and other apps in Windows and communicated with the Khmer language, you may meet this problem too. Over more, if you have another issue with the font Khmer showing incorrectly in another program in Windows like Adobe photoshop, please read my old post. Here is an article about fixing font Khmer Unicode typing and display correctly in Adobe Photoshop by adjusting Adobe Photoshop preferences setting.
The issue of the Khmer script displays too small on windows in some apps because; the Windows apps use the default Khmer system font “DuanPenh” to display Khmer text in their apps. To fix the issues of the Khmer script in Windows 10 applications, you can change the Windows registry setting following few steps below.
fixing Khmer text shows too small by changing DuanPenh.ttf to KhmerUI.TTF in Windows 10.
As I described, the problem that can cause Khmer text shows too small in Telegram, Line, Whatsapp, on Windows 10 in the fist section in on this page. Accordingly, to fix the issue, you can do follow a few steps below:
1- On Windows Search Bar, please enter “Regedit.” And then, the Windows Registry Editor appears in the start menu. Please click on “Registry Editor.”
2- In the Windows “Registry Editor” address bar, please navigate to: “Computer\HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\FontSubstitutes.”
Under “FontSubstitutes” please look at the right size panel then select “MS Shell Dig 2“.
3- Click on “MS Shell Dig 2,” then change the font name to the font that you like to display on the Line, Telegram, another Windows Desktop application.
In this section, you can change to any font as you want. However, I would recommend you to use font Khmer UI. In Windows 10, you should use font Khmer UI because Microsoft has designed this Khmer font for Windows, and it works fine for every situation such as line spacing and styling.
4- after you have completed all the steps above, please restart your computer. Once your computer rebooted, the issue of Khmer text shows too small n Telegram, Line, Whatsapp, on Windows 10 has gone.
You may also watch the video tutorial.
I have also created a video tutorial about how to fix the problem of Khmer text shows too small in Telegram, Line, Whatsapp, on Windows 10. If you need help, please watch the video below:
Most of Windows application uses default font Khmer name “Daun Penh.” And also, font DuanPenh is the first Windows default font for the Khmer script that Microsoft put to use since Windows Vista. To fix the problem of Khmer script shows to small in Windows, you can change setting in Windows Registry Editor. In most cases, you can change font DuanPenh to Khmer UI. The reason for you should you use Font Khmer UI in Windows 10 because it should work fine in any situation such as line spacing and style. And also, if you use font Khmer that has large line spacing, it can cause brack your Windows layout. Mover more, the Font Khmer that has long line spacing can cause Windows could not show up all its buttons.
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